Will you Walk with us?
Milestone after unbelievable milestone and we still have work to do. It's not only why I show up here every day, but it's why I am asking you to do the same with me.
The Walk to End HIV is our annual gathering to reflect on the compassionate work through the dark years of the AIDS crisis; celebrate each person thriving with HIV and each person who has engaged in incredible HIV prevention tools; but to also take our HIV learning to new arenas. The over 350 incredible Whitman-Walker staff provide truly life-saving care each and everyday - and with support - we can do more.
We need your help. None of our work has ever been done alone.
Please join me - by registering for the Walk yourself and sending a few fundraising emails to your friends and family. The Walk is a community celebration - and we want to be together.
Or - please support my own effort to raise $10,000 to support Whitman-Walker's effort to prevent, treat and research HIV care and services.
Thank you!
Naseema (she/her)
CEO, Whitman-Walker Health

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